Photo of Holly L. Mason
Holly L. Mason
Professor Emeritus of Pharmacy Administration
1979 Ph.D, Social Sciences of Pharmacy and Pharmacy Administration, University of Wisconsin-Madison
1975 M.S., Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin-Madison
1972 B.S., Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Development of methodologies to assess performance-based student outcomes in pharmacy education as well as overall programmatic assessment. 

Pharmacist practice patterns and the supply of pharmacy personnel.

Studies focusing on the effects of pharmacy education and practice on the career path development of pharmacists.

Analysis and evaluation of problems and their solutions as they relate to the delivery of patient-oriented pharmacy services.


PHRM 200, Pharmacy Orientation II

PHRM 425, Deans Forum

PHRM 831, Pharmacy in the Health Care System 

PHRM 850, Immunization Certification

CLPH 451, Curricular Practical Training

CLPH 490, Geriatric Experience for Pharmacy Students

PHPR 100, Pharmacy Orientation I

PHPR 432, Ethics in Pharmacy Practice

PHPR 451, Issues in Pharmacy

PHPR 469, Principles of Pharmacy Practice

PHPR 664, Current Research Techniques

PHAD 452, Social Aspects of Pharmacy Practice

PHAD 490, Special Topics

PHAD 598, Introduction to Research in Pharmacy Administration

PHAD 690, 691, Special Topics in Pharmacy Administration

PHAD 696, Pharmacy Administration Department Seminar

Representative Publications

1. M. Noureldin, H. L. Mason, M. M. Murawski, G. C. Hyner, K. S. Plake, “Family Caregivers’ Involvement in Care-Recipient Medication Management and Association with Information-Seeking Behavior, JAPhA, 57: 170-177 (2017).

2. A. M. Chen, K. S. Yehle, N. M. Albert, K. F. Ferraro, H. L. Mason, M. M. Murawski, and K. S. Plake,  “Relationships  Between  Health Literacy and Heart Failure Knowledge, Self-Efficacy, and Self-Care Adherence,”   Research in Soc. Admin. Pharm. , 2014;10(2):378-386

3. M. Noureldin, M.  M. Murawski, H. L. Mason, and K. S. Plake, “Student Pharmacists’ Attitudes Toward Complementary and Alternative Medicine,” J. Am. Pharm. Assoc., 53:6 (November/December 2013):618-625.

4. K. K. Janke, K. A. Kelley, S. E. Kuba, H. L. Mason, B. A. Mueller, K. S. Plake, H. H. Seaba, S. R. Soliman, B. V. Sweet, G. Yee, “Re-envisioning Assessment for the Academy and the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education’s Standards Revision Process,”  Am. J. Pharm. Ed.,  77 (2013) Article 141.

5. K. K. Janke, H. H. Seaba, L. S. Welage, S. A. Scott, S. M. Rabi, K. A. Kelley, and H. L. Mason, “Building a Multi-Institutional Community of Practice to Foster Assessment,” American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 76 (4) Article 58 (May 2012).

6. A.M. H. Chen, K. S. Yehle, K. S. Plake, M. M. Murawski, and H. L. Mason, “Health  Literacy and Self-Care of Patients with Heart Failure.” Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2011; 26 (6):446-45.

7. M. E. Kiersma, K. S. Plake, and H. L. Mason, “Relationship between Admission Data and Pharmacy Student Involvement in Extracurricular Activities,” American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, October 2011;75(8): Article 155

8. N. E. Hagemeier, and H. L. Mason, “Student Pharmacists’ Perceptions of Testing and Study Strategies,” American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 2011;75(2): Article 35. 

9. A. M. H. Chen, K. S. Yehle, K. S. Plake, M. M. Murawski, and H. L. Mason, “Health Literacy and Self-Care of Patients with Heart Failure.” Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 2011; 26(6):246-55.